الجمعة , مايو 3 2024
أخبار عاجلة


Manama, July 12, (Bahrain NOW), written by Kashmeera Sambamurthy:


What may seem as a moment of rejoice in the field of Innovation & Technology, joint collaboration between the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Bahrain (ITPO) and the Shanghai Global Science & Technology Innovation Center, Berlin was signed by the head of UNIDO, Dr. Hashim Hussein and the Director of the Innovation Center, Mr. WANG Genxiang.

Gaining inspiration from some of the well-established Chinese companies in Bahrain, the Director said, “On arriving in Bahrain for the first time, we saw some Chinese companies perform exceptionally in this part of the Gulf. Since we believe Bahrain to be the hub for all sorts of development and have witnessed the island to be under construction, we hope that by initiating advanced technology and industrial cooperation in Berlin, we are able to outstretch our hands towards regional development in different countries.”

Overwhelmed by the warm hospitality of the locals and beaming over the profit the Chinese companies were making, the Head of Senior Engineering said, “It really feels wonderful to see the brands of our country receive such respect and, being one of the reason for the successful economy of Bahrain indeed makes us work even more hard.” Adding further, he said, “Entrepreneurs being the strength of a business, in the absence of their rich ideas, the smooth functioning of an organization remains crippled. Since we have shaken hands with ITPO, we expect entrepreneurs and some great innovation ideas to help the small and medium enterprises and the innovation center in Berlin, where our main idea is to help the local industries with advanced technologies and investors. Optimistic about our experience and our collaboration, we are hopeful that this move will benefit the whole scenario in Berlin which in short would make us capable of regionally developing other countries.”

A smooth cordial relationship that Chinese and Arabs have enjoyed in the past and continue to, it is an undeniable fact that, Bahrain has established itself as a successful thriving business for Chinese brands. According to the latest figures, trade between China and Arab countries increased 14 per cent year on year to a record high of $222.4 billion last year. Also, China’s exports to Arab countries totaled $91.3 billion, while imports amounted to $131.1 billion. “It is an honor to see our brands

respected in Bahrain, and we are sure that in years to come, the cooperation of ITPO, Universities of Bahrain and our Innovation center would boost tremendous opportunities on both the sides,” signed off the Director on a high note.

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