السبت , مايو 4 2024
أخبار عاجلة

Information Ministry holds virtual lecture

Manama, July 14 (BNA): The Information Affairs Ministry has held a virtual lecture on dealing with mass media for non-media workers.

Delivered by Advisor at the Information Affairs Ministry, Dr. Lulwa Bu Dulama, the lecture attracted participants from the public and private sectors, in addition to school and university students.

The lecturer emphasised the importance of modern digital technologies in overcoming all barriers, achieving the continuity of life and production, and enhancing communication for the exchange of information and experiences.

The lecture dealt with the concept of mass media, and their role in building the mental image of institutions for those who deal with them.

Dr. Bu Dulama highlighted the principles and methods of dealing with the media, in addition to ways of achieving a positive image about institutions through the best selection of messages and the level of their guidance.

She stressed the importance of interconnectedness between body language skills and the language of discourse in causing the desired effect.

She also highlighted the skills required for persons who appear on the media, and provided many guidelines for the success of media interviews.

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