الخميس , أبريل 25 2024
أخبار عاجلة

Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB) partner with Dadabhai Travel

Manama, Bahrain, 21 July 2018: Coming on the heels of the Bank’s relaunch of Al Thuraya Privilege Banking services, that offers a selection of new and unique features as part of its ongoing commitment to the continuous development of its products and services, Bahrain Islamic bank (BisB) recently signed a Joint Venture agreement in partnership with Dadabhai Travel on June 21st, 2018. The signing ceremony that was attended by Ms. Dalal AlQais, General Manager of Retail Banking of BisB and Ms. Shahnaz Al Qaseer, Chief Operating Officer of Dadabhai Travel, along with several officials from both parties, Ms. Dalal AlQais, said, “We are delighted to form this exclusive partnership with Dadabhai Travel, considering its outstanding level of service and reputation in the market as one of the leading travel agencies in the Kingdom. At BisB, we are always seeking to cater to the needs of our customers, by offering access to a wide range of exclusive services that simplify their daily life. This alliance will allow us to offer our Al Thuraya account holders special travel related deals, promotional offers and exclusive holiday packages.”

Highlighting further about the partnership, Ms. Shahnaz Al Qaseer, General Manager of Dadabhai Travel, added, “For more than thirty-five years, Dadabhai Travel has continued to strengthen its position as a leader in the tourism industry of the Kingdom of Bahrain. We are proud to partner with BisB, the leading provider of Sharia compliant integrated financial solutions, through which we will be able to offer an unprecedented range of services by our first-rate, experienced consultants at Dadabhai Travel.”

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