السبت , أبريل 20 2024
أخبار عاجلة

Defence minister participates in Anti-Daesh meeting

(BNA): Defence Affairs Minister, Lieutenant-General Yussef bin Ahmed Al-Jalahma, participated in the meeting of the defence ministers of the countries of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh, held at the NATO headquarters here.

The meeting aims to consolidate the coalition’s efforts to fight Daesh terrorist organisation in order to eliminate it and strengthen security and stability in the region.

On the sidelines of the meeting, the minister met at his residence here the Saudi Assistant Defence Minister, Mohammed bin Abdulla Al-Ayesh, with whom he discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

The minister also met Kuwait’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Shaikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, and reviewed with him ways to bolster bilateral cooperation.

In another meeting, the minister discussed with the U.S Defence Secretary, James Mattis, the friendship and cooperation Bahraini-U.S relations.


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