الثلاثاء , أبريل 16 2024
أخبار عاجلة

During Earnings Webcast for Year End 2019

Al-Nahedh: leading position in the Islamic Sukuk and Financial Services market for KFH

Al-Mukhaizeem: KFH Invested Strongly in Innovation, Launched Smart Financial Solutions

Zahran: Group C/I ratio continued to improve

Kuwait, 5 February 2020: Mazin Al-Nahedh, Group Chief Executive Officer at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) highlighted the financial performance for Year End 2019. He said that KFH realized a net profit of KD 251.0 million for the year 2019 for KFH shareholders an increase of 10.4% over last year. Total financing income reached KD 931.6 million, i.e. an increase of 8.1% compared to last year. Net operating income increased to reach KD 510.1 million, i.e. a growth of 12.5% over the last year. Earnings per share for 2019 reached 36.45 fils an increase of 10.3% over last year.

The Board of Directors has proposed 20% cash dividends to shareholders and 10% bonus shares subject to general assembly and concerned authorities’ approval.

Al-Nahedh added during the Earnings Webcast for Year End 2019, that the solid financial statements that KFH achieved in 2019 came as a result of achieving the highest levels of innovation and excellence in customer services, also these strong results confirm KFH’s ability to adapt to the challenges that the region and global markets witnessed in 2019. In addition, the prudent approach that KFH follows towards risk management created a buffer against market fluctuations and geopolitical developments regionally and worldwide.

He continued: “the high liquidity levels that KFH enjoys are one of its main strengths along with the Group’s geographical spread in Turkey, Germany, Bahrain, and Malaysia, as well as the diversified investment and banking services that are aligned with latest financial technology.”

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