الأربعاء , أبريل 24 2024
أخبار عاجلة

Enabling Saudi women in the labor market cuts the gap between the two genders

Riyadh, July 15 (BNA): Official reports of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development disclosed that, according to indicators of the first quarter of 2020, enabling Saudi women and augmenting their share in the labor market is on the increase as per the Kingdom’s vision 2020.

The index of the economic woman’s participation in the labor market has achieved an increase of 25 percent in the first quarter of 2020, overpassing the targeted rate of nine percent, says the ministry’s report, according to Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

On the other hand, the index of women’s contribution to the economic development, one of the leading national transformation programs, has shown a decrease in the unemployment rate among females, lessening the gap between the two genders in the civil service, as it scored 27.5 percent, above the targeted goal of 24 percent, the report added.

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