الجمعة , أبريل 26 2024
أخبار عاجلة


Cairo, July 30: Ministerial summit titled ‘Creativity Summit in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region 2018’, which was held in Cairo, in the presence of ministers and officials in the region, saw the Education Minister Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi participate.  Presenting at the summit, the Minister highlighted the Kingdom’s advanced experience in using Information and Communication Technology in Education Development, particularly after the launch of His Majesty King Hamad’s Future Schools Scheme in governmental schools since 2005.  

Owing to the success of the project, it ushered in the next phase of further development by digitalization in education, that contributed to the achievement of success stories in the field of innovation and e-education, pointing out that the Regional ICT Centre was established in Bahrain in association with the UNESCO. In his presentation, Dr Al Nuaimi explained that Bahrain won the fourth place in the UN’s global e-Government Index report for the unprecedented deployment of mobile and internet services.

Stressing on Bahrain as the first among Arab countries and 31st international in the World Telecommunications Index Survey (WTIS2017) according to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)’s global report, he also added that the island ranked second among the Arab countries, and 31st internationally and 31st internationally among 138 countries within the Global Competitiveness Report (2017-2018), regarding ICT infrastructure readiness.

Concluding, the minister highlighted the advancement in the Schools’ Internet Accessibility Index and scaled from 45th to 36th ranking in 2017.

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