الخميس , أبريل 18 2024
أخبار عاجلة

National Bank of Bahrain brandishes its new online banking platform

The National Bank of Bahrain, NBB, recently held its new business online banking platform at the Four Seasons Hotel, Bahrain. More than 150 participants attended the forum, which highlighted the new platform and its features. The attendees were briefed by NBB officials on the means to harness the power of the world-class features and solutions the new platform provides. Held in cooperation with Community Partner RAWAD, the event was attended by Panelists, from the leading private and public sectors, as well as digital banking and Fintech experts, and NBB digital banking teams. The forum consisted of live demonstrations of the platform as well as a number of panel discussions featuring digital banking and Fintech experts. The discussion aimed at helping businesses understand and effectively implement the vast number of tools and resources that online banking can provide. This includes features to better manage cash flows, payroll, money management and other critical accounting and finance related tasks that can be streamlined and simplified digitally.

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