الخميس , أبريل 25 2024
أخبار عاجلة

Return of flights to Dubai important step in supporting aviation sector GDRFA

Dubai, July 7 : The return of flights to Dubai’s airports is an important step in supporting the aviation sector and reinforcing the position of the UAE, especially Dubai, as one of the world’s leading aviation centers.

Major General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, Director-General of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai said that the directives of HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to return flights to Dubai will herald a new phase of supporting economic activities.

The directorate will start receiving returning residents through Dubai’s airports starting from Tuesday in line with the highest security standards, he added, noting that they will be greeted under the slogan “Welcome again in your second home”, UAE news agency WAM reported.

Brigadier Talal Ahmed Al Shanqeeti, Deputy Director-General of Airports Affairs, said that the directorate in Dubai is always ready to receive visitors and offer distinguished services to passengers travelling through Dubai airports, in line with the country’s precautionary measures, to ensure their safety and the health of employees, in cooperation with strategic partners.

He also noted an increase in the number of passengers visiting Dubai since the resumption of flights, represents a positive boost to foreign investment and the tourism sector.

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