الثلاثاء , أبريل 16 2024
أخبار عاجلة

UNDP, UoB hold training course on SDGs

Manama, July 4 : The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Bahrain (UNDP) held a training course for faculty members from various disciplines on managing the content of the Environment and Sustainable Development Goals (ESD) programme, which was prepared by the group of experts through UNDP.

The training course aims to strengthen the ongoing UoB-UNDP partnership through developing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the Ph.D Programme offered by the College of Science.

The programme focuses on the environmental framework of the sustainable development goals, as well as on the legal and economic role of the process of activating sustainable development and its impact on society and individual life, through realistic examples and success stories from all countries of the world, in general, and the Arab region, in particular.

It is to be noted that the UoB has contributed to consolidating SDGs through developing international partnerships.

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